Saturday, October 24, 2009

Learning to Wave

We're still here. We've been home for 6 weeks and are really starting to get into a groove. The baby is doing great. I feel like the attachment thing is really coming along. She definitely knows we're her family. The other day a woman talked to her at the park and she turned and buried her face into my shoulder. Good sign. 3 weeks ago she would have reached for her with a big smile. Like "Heeeey. You look fun. Wanna hold me?" She cries if I leave the room and somedays I can't put her down. Makenna is also doing great. She is so loving and gentle with her. Yes, sometimes I catch her swinging a shoe just close enough to not hit the baby but still close enough to get a reaction. I honestly don't think she's trying to hurt her. I think she's conducting an experiment in sisterly love.

Because of the malnutrition, Safiya hasn't been able to tolerate solid food. She throws it right back up. It's kind of like feeding solids to a 6 week old, really. So, we're holding off for a few months but I wanted to make sure she didn't develop an adverse reaction to food (bad speech therapist mommy) so we decided to do some food play. It also increases the chance that some food just might happen to make its way into her mouth. Here is the photo post banana paint:

We were also sitting at dinner the other day and I looked over. Safiya is looking at the ceiling and waving. So, we all look a the ceiling and look at each other and look back at the ceiling. And you don't want to say anything because she is obviously very serious about her activities. So we watch. And I decided she was practicing waving. To what, not so sure. But so far this is the only place she will wave. I got a little bit on video but I couldn't find the good camera. Sorry it is so grainy. I also took the audio out because in the background was Benjy explaining to Makenna what a stink bug is. No one wants to hear that.

Benjy fixed my internet so hopefully I can post more frequently.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

I love my girls.

I don't have internet access most days and tonight I do. Don't know why. Not gonna ask. Just going to update the blog/facebook.

We are still doing well. The attachment piece is such a big one with little miss. I spend so much time scrutinizing every movement. Is this what a 6 month old does? Is this attachment? Is this some sort of weird delay? Her latest thing is to wake up whilst napping (listen to me...whilst) in a fit of screaming. Her appendages going stiff as can be and a look of utter fear on her face. I mean fear. And she can't catch her breath. And she grasps for me. It's heartbreaking. Apparently she does not do this for Benjy. After I "shhhh", rock, remind her that I'm there, she goes back to sleep. She'll only do naps while we hold her. And honestly, that doesn't suck. Rocking and hugging and taking 60 minutes to just sit. Bedtime has gotten a little rough. Last night she was up at 10, 1, 4, 6, 7. I believe my words at 4 am were something like "girl you do NOT want to mess with me right now" as she giggled and grabbed at my nose.

Makenna is hanging in there. We have rocked her world to the very core. She's missing about 2 hours a day of sleep thanks to little miss scream a lot. That causes melt into a puddle on the floor fits a couple of times a day. About stuff that makes you go "really. THIS. This is causing the fit." Like we had a complete conversation about how Kiva (the DOG) did not step on her foot on purpose. Makenna was convinced that the dog who licks the door made up her mind to walk over and step on Makenna's foot just because.

I start back to work on Wednesdays this week. We'll see how that goes.

Well, until I have internet again...