Thursday, April 29, 2010

How many fish have died unnecessarily?

This fish is not dead.
This fish is constipated.  Gave her a few peas and she is right side up again.  I sh*t you not.  (pun intended)

See, here she is getting some of the peas off of the bottom.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dancing machine

The toddler bootie bump has begun when she hears a song she likes.  It's hard to catch, tho.  Here is a little sample.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Riding a sea horse

We give our nieces a date instead of a gift for their birthdays each year.  Maddie's birthday is December 26th.  We made it to the aquarium today.  Yay for us.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Princesses and their dad

Watching Princess and the Frog.
Not sure what the pirate "arrgh matey" face is all about

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Feet

I don't know about anyone else, but in the fall, when my flip flops and sandals go away, I take the polish off of my toes and let them kind of funky to be honest with you.  But, it is time for them to see the light of day again.  I think they are happy about it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nothing like a love note....

to make me feel like crap for having a day of walking the line of losing my patience.  Safiya is having some issues.  I'll blog about them later when we have it ironed out.  No use explaining it now when I don't know what I'm explaining.  And poor Makenna, bears the brunt of my frustration.  Tomorrow is a new day.  And she is at school which is good for everyone.  Oh, and she sounded it all out on her own.  Miss Smarty Pants.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Makenna made dessert

Doesn't everyone love bouncy balls with a helping of packing tape?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Growing up

I went through Safiya's toy box today and got rid of all of the baby toys to make room for the big girl toys. The stacky rings, shape sorters, ball toys.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Effing dogs

I was at a conference and Benjy had both girls to himself for 2 days and 1 night.  And because that wasn't hard enough....he came home to this.
 Gosh I miss them.  Just kidding.


Friday, April 16, 2010


One year olds like to do things themselves.  Like feed themselves.  And only eat what Mommy eats.  So the plain pasta Safiya usually gets doesn't work anymore.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Side Job

Makenna's sensory issues are again at an all time high.  Which means hair combing/ doing is a nightmare!  That's actually an understatement.  She finally agreed to go to my stylist if she didn't have to put her hair in the shampoo bowl.  Whatever.  But then I forgot to budget for it.  And I thought, how hard can it really be?  So, I chopped it off.  And I think it looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself.  And no more pony tails, piggie tails, clips, or tears.  Just a comb through it.  Sigh.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Benjy

Today is Benjy's birthday.  And I suck so much as a wife that I didn't take one single photo of him.  He took this one of his birthday dinner:  meatloaf, mashed potatoes, drop biscuits, and lemon pie.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gonna Party Like It's my birthday

Cuz it is.  Although today sucked.  I'm planning on a kick ass weekend, tho.
Dinner is pizza, garlic bread, and salad.  I didn't eat the salad.  Who eats salad on their birthday?
I don't like cake.  So we have Tuxedo apples. Green apples dipped in carmel, then dipped in white chocolate, then dipped in milk chocolate, then the tip is dipped in nuts.  I know, right.

This was my rocking chair when I was little.  Then it was Makenna's.  And now it is Safiya's.  Kind of cool.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

The Easter bunny was kind enough to visit today.  He hid plastic eggs with jelly beans, peeps, and toys in the house.  And then raided our fridge and hid the real eggs outside.  Then we went to Grandma Dee's for dinner and some more egg hunting.  What a great day.

Makenna got a Hippity Hop.

The obligatory family photo in front of the Tulip Tree.
The Nana and her girls.

Papa Ray makes a killer drink.  Not sure what is in it but I could drink them all day.  We look like we are already 3 sheets to the wind but we have just started.

I post this video every Easter.  It cracks me up sooo much.  She is 3.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter eggs

We dyed easter eggs today for the big guy with the floppy ears.  The Nana was unfortunately covered in dye that didn't even come off with paint thinner.
I don't know why, but Makenna insists on making this face lately.  It usually accompanies a growl.  So ladylike.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet baby girl!

Today is Safiya's birthday.  We started at a children's zoo/ amusement park.  But it is rainy and cold so we didn't last long.  She also fell and ate sh*t making her mouth gush blood.  That was my cue to exit.  We then had dinner, presents, and cake.  A pretty mellow birthday but I think she enjoyed it.

The obligatory donut for breakfast.

At the park and standing on a toy with Baby Gracie.  She is only 2 weeks older than Safiya.

CAKE!  Look at Benjy's face.  She actually had wax on her fingers from touching the candle.  Oopsie.
Time for bath.
Makenna pushing her on her Princess Mobile.
We decided to start a tradition each year to honor her birth mom.  Because as we celebrate this amazing gift, Zinebesh is tending to a broken heart.  Each year we will plant something in our yard to honor her.  We also asked everyone to make a wish for her when we blew out the candle.  So, take a moment and make a wish for her.  We have never met but she is most definitely an amazing woman.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Nana

The Nana is here!  Makenna oddly starting calling her "The Nana".  I think it gives her the respect she deserves.

Love her.
