Today is Safiya's birthday. We started at a children's zoo/ amusement park. But it is rainy and cold so we didn't last long. She also fell and ate sh*t making her mouth gush blood. That was my cue to exit. We then had dinner, presents, and cake. A pretty mellow birthday but I think she enjoyed it.
The obligatory donut for breakfast.
At the park and standing on a toy with Baby Gracie. She is only 2 weeks older than Safiya.
CAKE! Look at Benjy's face. She actually had wax on her fingers from touching the candle. Oopsie.

Time for bath.

Makenna pushing her on her Princess Mobile.

We decided to start a tradition each year to honor her birth mom. Because as we celebrate this amazing gift, Zinebesh is tending to a broken heart. Each year we will plant something in our yard to honor her. We also asked everyone to make a wish for her when we blew out the candle. So, take a moment and make a wish for her. We have never met but she is most definitely an amazing woman.