Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa Ray

Today is Papa Ray's 70th birthday. And he is celebrating as only he knows how.  He is having a party every night for 5 nights.  Three are parties with his friends (different friends each night), one with his family, and a HUGE party on Saturday.  He seemed purely happy tonight.  And we heard some great stories of what a wonderful man he truly is.  I know he doesn't read the blog (he doesn't even know how to send an e-mail) but just incase.  Happy Birthday Papa Ray.  We love you!


On a side note, WE HAVE A COURT DATE!  February 19th at 11 am.  I didn't realize how excited I would be but I was in tears today telling people.  After that date, Safiya will be a citizen (not just a resident with a green card)  Side note:  you should see her green card with her little 5 month old picture on it.  Too cute.   She will officially be Safiya Tigist Foster (not Tigist Robert Foster like all of her documents currently say) and everything will be finalized.  FINALIZED.  Let me say it one more time.  F.I.N.A.L.I.Z.E.D!!


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